Back at the table I became interested in watching two of the girls who were making it rather clear that they were completely enjoying the male attention. But they were also displaying a be- havior pattern that would be quite acceptable in two young women not prim, not boisterous, but definitely ladylike. Each of the two soon left on the arm of their date for the evening.
Jenny and I left about an hour later, and she dropped me off at my apartment. As I reached the door, my GG opened it. It was obvious that she had been watching for me and was a bit worried.
However, what she did next showed just how understanding she is. She suggested that I leave my wig and makeup on and get into a nightgown this I promptly did. Two cups of tea were brought into the bedroom and we both curled up on the bed and chatted about the day's events just like any two girls would.
I will close by saying that before we slept, she gave me cause to realize that I had no reason to envy in the least the two girls that had left the club with their dates.
"Of course you can use your femme name on your checks."